Set up prepayment settings

  • Updated

Next up, we need to set up some settings based on how we what to handle prepayments. These settings are based on payment registration, calculation of the amount, etc.

  1. Go to Settings and choose sales settings
  2. Scroll down and find the prepayment section


There are 4 different settings you can set up. These are explained below. Set them up and once done, click Save in the top right corner. 

  • Payment registering can be set to manual or automatic
    • Manual: You do it manually on the prepayment in Traede
    • Remote: Register the payment remotely. This ONLY works with economic. Learn more here
  • Calculate payment needs for orders: Contact Traede support for more information
  • Allow prepayment booking: Should ALWAYS be on "Do not allow"
  • Automatically create prepayments based on payment need: Turning this on means the prepayment will automatically be generated if the payment term on the order is a prepaid term

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