Traede products
- This one HAS to be named Traede products
- It’s important to check that Domestic, EU and Abroad ALL have an account assigned and that the accounts have a correct VAT code assigned
- Domestic: should have a VAT code with 25% VAT
- Default VAT Code is U25
- EU: should have a reverse VAT code with 0% VAT
- Default VAT Code is UEUV
- Abroad: should have an abroad VAT code with 0% VAT
- Default VAT Code is Abr
Traede shipping
- Can be named whatever you want
- The reason why we have a separate product group for shipping is so you can “split out shipping accounts” from “normal revenue”
- It’s important to check that Domestic, EU and Abroad ALL have an account assigned and that the accounts have a correct VAT code.
All the accounts should have same VAT codes as “Traede products”
Products without VAT
- This one does not need to be created, but you need to have 1 product group where EVERY account attached to it has NO VAT. It can be named whatever you want
- More about why this is needed in the next section under “Correction line”