Set up scanner

  • Updated


1. Factory reset the device

2. Tap 6 times on the welcome screen. This will start QR code setup

3. Scan the following QR code


This will turn the scanner into “kiosk"-mode. It just means that it will always open the Traede scanner app. In the next step you have to configure DataWedge, which is another app on the scanner. To open DataWedge you have to get into the “normal Android menu” which is a little bit difficult. Follow the below steps to get into DataWedge:


1. Tap 4 times rapidly on the screen

2. This will open a password popup. Enter “0000” and click Ok.

3. Now change to “Launcher3”

4. You can now open DataWedge

4. Update the DataWedge profile according to this guide

5. Now change back to Kiosk Browser Lockdown

We recommend you go into settings (the hamburger), click on Application info then click Scanner debugging. You can then test the scanner and scan a barcode to see if it register correctly. If it does, turn off scanner debugging again and start using the scanner. 

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