Generating barcode labels for hang-tags

  • Updated

Now, after the last video, there are generated barcodes on all of your products. If not, watch the previous video. 

Start by entering the product page that you want to generate barcode labels for and press labels.


First, you have to determine what information you want on your labels and if you want all currencies in one label or one label per currency. download.png

Now simply specify how many labels you want to print of each EAN number. If you want the same amount for each EAN number you go to “Add to selected” in the right corner, and enter how many you want for each, and press “add to all”

download__1_.png download__2_.png

When everything is filled you press “generate label” and now that will generate a PDF. with all the labels. The labels will look like this if you choose “one label per currency” 


And this if you choose “all currencies in one label”


If you want to customize the dimensions of the hangtag, you go to your settings and then you go to your miscellaneous settings → Physical product label and choose other dimensions that fit your hang tags. 



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