If you experience that all calls to Fortnox fails in the sync from TRAEDE, it will usually mean that you Fortnox token installed in TRAEDE needs to be re-authenticate.
To do this please follow the steps below.
Step by step here:
- From Traede, go to app store -> Fortnox
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Reauthenticate
- This will redirect you to Fortnox login window
- Login with a user that has full access
- You then get a pop-up asking you to approve the authentication - Click “Godkänn”
This will then redirect you back to Traede and the app has been re-authenticated
If the syncs to Fortnox has the status abandonned in TRAEDE Document exchange, then please reach out to support@traede.com, as these would need to be revive.
If the syncs to Fortnox has the status abandonned in TRAEDE Document exchange, then please reach out to support@traede.com, as these would need to be revive.