You can calculate ABC class on all products and variants. It’s a common inventory management technique where you divide your products into A,B,C classesTypically what they mean is:
A = The products that generate 80% of your revenue
B = The products that generate 15% of your revenue
C = The remainingYou can use this to easily identify products to focus on and products that are a liability. Currently you can see A,B,C in Product list, variant table (inside product) and Inventory ReportA,B,C is calculated both on variant-level and product-level. For brands with horizontal attribute (Size) the class is generated the same across all sizes. For fashion brands this means that it’s calculated on the Color-level. For all others it’s calculated on SKU level. Note that since ABC is calculated both on product and variant level you might have an A product that contains C or B variants (or colors). This could happen if one of the colors is your best selling productThis new feature also comes with a new settings page named Replenishment settings which will contain some stuff I am brewing on. Currently you can use it to adjust how the ABC is calculated.ABC is calculated once every midnight
You will find the rule setup here: Settings > Inventory settings > Replenishment settings (
ABC class + reporting
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