Working with delivery status and available on orders

  • Updated

Introduction: the difference between delivery status and available

When making orders TRAEDE will display 2 rows related to inventory and delivery dates: delivery status and available

Delivery status: shows when order lines can be delivered

Available: shows how much more you can sell

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Change between viewing delivery status and available

TRAEDE will only show available for draft and selection orders. This is because an order does not allocate anything until it's approved and therefore have no delivery status.

Once approved TRAEDE will by default display both delivery status and available

You can change this if you want under the "Availability mode" drop-down. Here you can select what you want to see. TRAEDE will save this on your user so that the next time you open an approved order it will show the same


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Delivery status

Delivery status will try to show when an order line can be delivered. TRAEDE will both display detailed information, but will also show a "traffic light indicator" to give an easy visual que.


TRAEDE will display the following allocation information

  • How many pieces have been allocated to inventory
  • How many pieces have been allocated to production orders
  • Show lead time for remaining pieces (see more under lead times)

The "traffic light indicators" have the following 3 statuses

  • Green: 1 or more pieces have been allocated to inventory
  • Orange: 1 or more pieces have been allocated to POs
  • Red: 1 or more pieces are currently not allocated to anything

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Showing lead times for pieces without allocations

If you want you can show lead times for pieces that have not been allocated. This is opt-in. TRAEDE provides 3 "lead time modes" to determine when lead times should be shown. You can configure this under "Sales settings"


The 3 modes are

  • Do not show: TRAEDE will not display lead times
  • Always show for non-allocated goods: TRAEDE will display for all products that are missing allocations
  • Always show for non-allocated make-to-order goods: TRAEDE will display for all products that are missing allocations - if that product is a make-to-order product

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