Open your prepayment
Inside you will find a section named "Pay by credit card"
You can click the "Open Quickpay payment page" to go directly to the payment page,
or send it to your customer using "Send Quickpay payment link"
Open your prepayment
Inside you will find a section named "Pay by credit card"
You can click the "Open Quickpay payment page" to go directly to the payment page,
or send it to your customer using "Send Quickpay payment link"
<%= block.description %>
<% } %><%= block.description %>
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<% } %> <% var labels = "a_label".split(',').map(function(label) { return label.trim(); }).filter(function(label) { return label; }); %> <% var articlesWithLabels = articles.filter(function(article) { return Util.intersection(article['label_names'], labels).length; }) %> <% if (articlesWithLabels.length) { %>