This article will explain how TRAEDE determines which sales belongs to which agent. In general, there are 3 areas to consider when discussing this topic
- Sale visibility: which sales (orders, invoices, credit notes) can an agent see?
- Commission: which sales does an agent get commission from?
- Reports: which sales are shown as being made by an agent in reports (e.g. revenue report)
A sale is allocated when the order is made
An agent is assigned to an order when the order is made. This means that if an order is created today, and then the agent is changed on the customer in 2 weeks, the order is still not allocated to the new agent. This is because when calculating commission we need to consider who was the agent at the time the order was made.
If you want you are able to change the agent on existing orders, invoices and credit notes. Read more about this in the article Changing agent(s) on existing sales (orders, invoices, credit notes).
Sale visibility: which sales can an agent see?
When an order/invoice/credit note is created it is allocated to the agents on the customer card. Note that for invoices/credit notes that are generated from an order it is the agents on the order that apply for these. For manual invoices/credit notes we look at the customer card when the invoice/credit note is created.
In the order list and invoice list you can activate the "Agents" column to see which agents are allocated. Note here that in case of multiple agents one of the agents is the "primary" one. For more information about this check the next section on commission and reports
Commission and reports: which agent gets the sale?
If a customer has multiple agents one of the agents will be marked as "primary". The primary agent is the one "who gets the sale". When we talk about allocating the sale we are talking about commission and reports (e.g. in revenue report when viewing sale per agent)
You can see in the order list and invoice list under the "Agents" column who is the primary agent. Note for single-agent orders we do not show the "Primary" label since there is only 1 agent on the order and therefore that agent is the primary.
How is the primary agent determined
Here is the list of steps TRAEDE uses to determine the primary agent
- If the user creating the order is an agent on the customer, then that agent is the primary agent of the order
- Otherwise the primary agent on the customer card is the primary agent on the order